The BERKMAN Blueprint
The BERKMAN Blueprint is a seven step program designed to get you on your way to a hopeful separation.​ The Blueprint includes these steps:
B – Break the Cycle
Recognize and break free from negative patterns and emotional traps that keep you stuck in a cycle of pain and resentment.
E – Emotional Resilience
Build emotional resilience to manage feelings of anger, guilt, sadness, and shame.
R – Redefine Relationships
Shift your mindset to redefine your relationship with your ex-partner, focusing on co-parenting and mutual respect.
K – Know Your Triggers
Understand the emotional triggers that lead to conflict or negative behaviour, and learn strategies to manage them.
M – Master New Skills
Acquire practical tools and skills for managing the separation process, from legal and financial planning to effective communication.
A – Acceptance and Accountability
Accept responsibility for your part in the relationship and separation. This acceptance is crucial for healing and moving forward.
N – New Beginnings
Rebuild your life with purpose, clarity, and a renewed sense of self.
To get your FREE Blueprint, fill in your details and a link to the download will be emailed to you:

When I was going through separation I was struggling. I suffered emotional pain, blamed my ex and wasn't sure who I was anymore.
Most separated men report these same three reasons for their pain:
Being unaware of your emotions is like driving 100kph blindfolded.
When emotions are going unidentified and unchecked we're not in control and bound to have an accident. Emotions are guides. They need acknowledging, identifying and dealing with.
The emotional rollercoaster can be stopped.
Wanna know how?
It's easy to direct anger, fear and confusion towards the partner that initiated the break up.
Blaming your ex for the separation, for your emotions and your life, makes you fall into a victim mentality. A victim is someone who takes no responsibility for their lives.
Are you a victim?
Separation means losing more than just your partner. It's also means losing access to kids, changing homes and effecting your work.
This leads to a loss of our identities such as a family man, husband, father and provider. When these identities are stripped back, most separating men are left with a void.
Do you feel the same?